p1ctl(8) System Manager's Manual p1ctl(8)

p1ctlcommand-line access to palera1n loader

p1ctl subcommand [subcommand options] [subcommand arguments]

p1ctl provide a command-line interface to the graphical palera1n loader.

p1ctl interfaces with the palera1n daemon as well as palera1n's launchd hook.

bootstrap [-s] [-S password] bootstrap-file
Deploy a bootstrap from a zstd compressed tarball. With no additional options specified, a new password for the mobile user will be prompted for. The bootstrap you are deploying must match the jailbreak type (rootful or rootless) you are using.
Do not prompt for the password and do not set the mobile password.
Do not prompt and set the mobile password to the password specified.

NOTE: Unlike the graphical palera1n loader, this command only deploys the bootstrap itself, it does not add additional repositories nor install additional packages.

Exit palera1n safe mode, and trigger a userspace reboot. This command will succeed even if the device is not currently in safe mode. In this case, a userspace reboot is still triggered.

NOTE: Many tweak injection packages also provide their own safe mode, p1ctl does not recognize and cannot control those safe modes.

Print a hexadecimal representation of the kernel base.
Print a hexadecimal representation of the kernel slide.
Print a representation of the palera1n flags, which corresponds to the options passed to palera1n(1) as well as hints to the palera1n userspace stack set by PongoOS . By default, a hexadecimal representation of the flags will be printed.
Read the flags from the ramdisk block device instead of getting them by interfacing with palera1n daemon.
Print a string representation of the flags. Each line will contain one flag, and the strings always start with palerain_option_, and unknown flags are represented as palerain_option_undefined.
Unmount /Developer if mounted and then reboot the userspace. This command exists because the /Developer mount will be broken after a plain userspace reboot, which breaks debugging in Xcode. palera1n also hooks the reboot3(3) call so that rebooting userspace using launchctl(1) does not break the /Developer mount.
Causes the palera1n launchd hook to re-probe the environment and update its internal state. This will affect the internal environmental variables passed onto new processes, and is typically used after bootstrapping or reverting installs.
Remove jailbreak files from the device. This command is not supported on rootful with fakefs. On rootful with realfs, the device will reboot after issuing this command.

To remove jailbreak files on rootful with fakefs, use palera1n(1) on your computer with the --force-revert -f options instead.


6 April 2024